- ABC: Atanasoff-Berry Computer
- A/D: Analog to Digital
- AGP: Accelerated Graphics Port
- AI: Artificial Intelligence
- ALGOL: Algorithmic Language
- ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit
- AM: Amplitude Modulation
- AMD: Advanced Micro Devices
- ANSI: American National Standards Institute
- ARPANET: Advanced Research Project AgencyNetwork
- ASIC: Application Specific Integration Circuit
- ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode/Automatic Teller Machine
- BARC: BhabhaAtomic Research Centre
- BASIC: Beginners'All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
- BCD: BinaryCoded Decimal
- BEMA: Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
- BIOS: Basic Input-Output System
- BCR: Bar Code Reader
- BMP: Bit Map
- BPI: Bytes Per Second
- BSNL: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
- CAD: Computer-Aided Design
- CAL: Computer-Aided Learning
- CAM: Computer-Aided Manufacturing
- CD: Compact Disk
- C-DAC: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
- C-DOT: Centre for Development of Telematics
- CD-R: Compact Disk-Recordable
- CD-ROM: Compact Disk-Recordable
- CD-R/W: Compact Disk-Read/Write
- CLASS: Computer Literacy And Studies in School
- CMOS: Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- COBOL: Common Bussiness Oriented Language
- CMY: Cyan-Magnetta-Yellow
- COMAL: Common Algorithmic Language
- CPI: Character Per Inch
- CPS: Characters Per Second
- CPU: Central Processing Unit
- CRS: Computerised Reservation System
- CRT: Cathode Ray Tube
- CTS: Clear to Send
- CU: Control Unit
- D/A: Digital-to-Analog
- DBMS: Data Base Management System
- DDS: Digital Data Storage
- DEC: Digital Equipment Corporation
- DIMM: Dual in-Line Memory Module
- DOS: Disk Operating System
- DPI: Dots Per Inch
- DRAM: Dynamic RAM
- DRDO: Defence Research and Development Organisation
- DSDD: Double-Sided Double Density
- DSHD: Double Sided High Density
- DTP: Desk Top Publishing
- DTR: Data Terminal Ready
- DTS: Digital Theatre System
- DVD: Digital Video/Versatile Disk
- E-business: Electronic Business
- E-Commerce: Electronic Commerce
- E-mail: Electronic Mail
- EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
- EDP: Electronic Data Processing
- EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- EFT: Electronic Fund Transfer
- ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
- EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory
- ERNET: Education and Research Network
- EXE: Execution
- FAT: File Allocation Table
- FD: Floppy Disk
- FDM: Frequency Division Multiplexing
- FET: Field Effect Transistor
- FIFO: First-in, Last Out
- FLOP: Floating Point Operation
- FM: Frequency Modulation
- FORTRAN: Formula Translation
- FSK: Frequency Shift Keying
- FTP: File Transfer Protocol
- GB: Giga Bytes
- GIGO: Garbage-In-Garbage-Out
- GIS: Geographical Information System
- GPL: General Public License
- GPS: Global Positioning System
- GUI: Graphical User Interface
- HLL: High-Level Language
- HP: Hewlett Packard
- HTML: HyperText Markup Language
- HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
- IBM: International Business Machines
- IC: Integrated Circuit
- I/O: Input-Output
- IP: Internet Protocol
- IPC: Internet Relay Chat
- ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
- ISH: Information Super Highway
- ISO: International Standards Organisation
- ISOC: Internet Society
- ISP: Internet Service Provider
- IT: Information Technology